BikeAdvice continues its knack of busting Bajaj’s Discover test mules. Two Discover test mules were spotted on the outskirts of Pune, one with the regular Dual Nitrox shock absorbers and another with a monoshock setup.
Unfortunately, our spies weren’t able to get closer to the test mules as both the riders swerved towards a turn and surprisingly, zipped away from us. This could point out to the possibility that Bajaj is continuing its good run with its 4-valve mills, which ensure the best of both worlds of spunk and frugality.
The presence of two test bikes, one with dual shocks and the other with a monoshock, suggests that Bajaj is probably planning a cheaper variant of Discover 100T. We had spotted such a test mule a couple of weeks back (pictured below) and had discussed it in details. You can have a look at it here.
Let us also point out that the specified location on the outskirts of Pune is a supposed haven for testing of such bikes; we have spotted Discovers here more than a couple of times. The cheaper variant looked almost similar to the existing Discover 100T model on sale. The test bike carried dual shock absorbers with Nitrox, analogue meter assembly, kick starter and alloy wheels.
However, it was the rear foot peg where the differences lay. The Discover 100T has a sporty aluminum side sets whereas it is the regular tubed metal one on this mule much like the older (on sale) regular Discover 100. The side cowl also appears to be slightly different from the current Discover 100T. This could suggest that Bajaj is preparing a cheaper Discover 100T to possibly replace the current Discover 100.
No matter what, we do feel there could be utter confusion if the older Discovers aren’t replaced. What do you say??
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