Moments back Bajaj shocked the nation by announcing a staggering price tag for Rs 1.36 Lakh for Dominar 400 (non-ABS variant, 1.5 lakhs for the ABS variant) at its launch. They also shared that the motorcycle will be available for test rides from tomorrow at 22 cities and across 80 dealerships in India. For more details of the motorcycle including its specs and features you can check our launch article.
Dominar 400 Availability: List of Cities
Here is the list of all the cities where Bajaj intends to introduce the bike first.
- Delhi
- Faridabad
- Gurgaon
- Noida
- Ahmedabad
- Surat
- Mumbai
- Pune
- Bengaluru
- Kollam
- Thrissur
- Perinthalmanna
- Kochi
- Kozhikode
- Trivandrum
- Chennai
- Coimbatore
- Hyderabad
- Kolkata
- Howrah
- Lucknow
- Ghaziabad
Yes, a lot of cities are missing. Most importantly there is nothing for Madhya Pradesh and a few other states. However, this is the initial list of towns where Dominar will mark its first presence and later on the Bajaj’s biggest will be made available in more cities across India gradually.
So, is your city in this list?
Next Read: 3 Reasons Why Bajaj May NOT Launch Pulsar NS150 in India Anytime Soon