Xtreme 200S BS6 price is expected to be around that Rs 1.10 Lakh mark if Hero continues to position it under Xpulse 200, which is already in the market…
Hero MotoCorp is busy fine-tuning its strategy to make a mark in the premium motorcycle segment – a big section of the market where it has not been able to do well, despite being the largest motorcycle manufacturer in India, in terms of volumes.
In fact, most of Hero’s sales are concentrated on the 100-125cc segment with higher segments – 150cc and above – adding only a handful of units to its overall tally, every month. The launch of the new Xtreme 160R has raised a lot of hopes for the company as it looks to gain a fair bit of share in the 150cc segment for the first time in many years.
Though Hero started its 200cc segment journey with the Xtreme 200R, the baton has been handed over to the much more like-able Xpulse 200 – the entry level ADV that has grabbed a lot of interest.
But that still leaves the two siblings out of the market – Xpulse 200T tourer and Xtreme 200S faired city gadabout – both of which were paused for Bharat Stage 6 compliance.
Many months back, Hero confirmed that both of them will be updated to BS6 norms by putting ‘BS6 model coming soon‘ tickers on their respective websites. However, it has been a long time but that ‘soon‘ has not arrived yet. Now that Hero’s Diwali preparations are almost executed, can we expect both these 200s to make comebacks really ‘soon’?
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Expect the new Xpulse 200’s oil cooler to go to the upcoming 200s as well apart from the new BS6 tune in which both – power and torque – are slightly down. And since both of them were carburetted earlier, there will be a switch to fuel injection as well.
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Considering that Hero kept them under the Xpulse 200, both of them will have to be sandwiched between Rs 1.05 Lakh to 1.14 Lakh – which are the ex-showroom prices of Xtreme 160 and Xpulse 200 ADV respectively. Though Hero increasing this gap in the months to come is always a possibility.