With the beginning of New Year, automobile manufacturers were keen to raise their standards and conquer some more parts of markets. Well, New Year has bought in some good sales figures for TVS and Suzuki in the first month i.e. January 2011 itself. TVS has managed to grow its sales in the first month of the year by 30%. While on the other hand, Suzuki’s registered a growth in sales by 40%.
TVS is backed by sustainable demand and supply with R&D providing them a good base to grow their customer base.
As far as the numbers are concerned, TVS sold 1, 65,152 units in January 2011 as against 1, 27,288 units in the same month previous year.
The total cumulative sales of TVS from April 2010 to January 2011 are 16, 78,048 units.
The sales for the month of January 2011 grew by 30% when compared to the same period last; there has also been an increase in the cumulative sales figure by 33% over the same period last year i.e. April to January 2010. Overall the picture seems pretty perfect for TVS and the future seems pretty good for them.
Suzuki, on the other hand is also seeing some increase in their sales figure lately. The sales for Suzuki grew by 40% in January 2011 over the same period last year i.e. January 2010. The sales figures in numbers are not too impressive as they are in terms of percentage but the company is still developing and can be given an undue advantage. Suzuki’s sales for the month of January 2011 were 28,598 as against 20,448 units in the month of January 2010. Both TVS and Suzuki have a long way to go. If they are to become no.1 brand, they got to leave no stone unturned and work for the benefit of the society and consumers.