It was back in October last year when Mahindra confirmed buyout of 51 per cent majority stake in Peugeot Motorcycles. And at the Auto Expo, they are displaying three products from the French brand possibly to test public reactions. These included the Django, Speedfight and Metropolis.
Now if Mahindra, sometime in the future does decide to sell Peugeot scooters in India (which we know they will), expect them to be priced at a premium with possibility of a CKD manufacturing and in person they do look really well-finished.
Market for premium scooters is at a very nascent stage in India and developing a taste for scooters like the Metropolis is not going to be an easy at all. Let us take a quick look at all the three…
- Peugeot Django:
This retro styled scooter sports a carburetted 124.6 cc producing 10.1 bhp of maximum power with a claimed fuel efficiency of 45 kmpl. It weighs 140 kg and can store 8.2 litre of fuel. Stopping power is provided by combined braking system with front and rear disc brakes.
The 12 inch tyres with white body wall add to the retro feel. In terms of features it gets a dual compartment glove box with 12 volt socket, LED indicators, LED tail lamp and a semi digital instrumentation console.
- Peugeot Speedfight:
It reminds us of Honda Dio and is a much more modern looking scooter. Speedfight gets a liquid cooled fuel injected 124.8 cc mill, weighs 130 kg and can carry 8 litre of petrol. The company claims a fuel efficiency of 60 kmpl and it gets real-broad 130 section tyre at the front and 140 13 incher at the rear.
Peugeot also offers bigger discs all around with the front getting a radial calliper with red double piston. The instrumentation is completely digital. It also gets ellipsoidal head lamp and a 12 volt plug. Overall design – We like!
- Peugeot Metropolis:
This three wheeled trike employs a 399 cc liquid cooled fuel injected mill producing 36.7 bhp of maximum power (yes!). It weighs 256 kilos and gets adjustable passenger backrest and windscreen.
The seat height is 780 mm and can store 13.5 litres of fuel. The storage space can eat up a full face helmet and there is space for another half-face saviour!
Complete Auto Expo 2016 coverage
Mahindra, we would love to see these Peugeot’s beauties running on our streets, are you listening…!