As last week in automotive industry was sleepy and nothing much happened, here’s the sneak peak of what happened.
My Birthday Gift- The 180cc Pulsar Beast: Here’s Mr.Amit Mathur revealing his success story about his steed the 180cc UG4 Pulsar in which he describes about other bikes when compared to the Pulsar 180. Read more…
Karizma ZMA Vs the Fastest Indian: My own article about the comparison between the legendary Karizma and the newest Fastest Indian, although this article was written nearly month’s back. Made an attempt to dig out the truth. Read more…
Honda CB Twister – A Comprehensive Road Test Report: A complete report on Honda’s CB Twister by Saad khan revelaing all the pro’s and con’s that decide the quality of the bike given out by HMSI. Read more…
AGV Helmets – A History: The hisory of the legendary Valentino Rossi’s favourite helmets who started their production in the year 1947 who until never had any idea of what’s morotcycle Helmet’s. Read more…
– Ram