Monsoon Riding Tips – Here are some very basic but extremely helpful pointers to keep in mind while heading out…
Monsoon has gripped the country and this is often considered one of the most enjoyable season to be on the road with your motorcycle. Riding your bike on wet surface is actually an art to be mastered. But, the only problem is that mastering it takes lot of time. Though it seems very simple, it is complex. Just because you have been riding on wet roads or during rain for many years, it doesn’t mean that you should be taking it for granted.
Here are a few basic tips to be remembered while riding your motorcycle on wet roads during monsoons..

Monsoon Riding Tips
- Maintain a speed limit of 20 km/h lower than what you usually ride on your most frequently-travelled roads. This enables you to ride comfortably and brake wherever you want smoothly. Actually, this will give you ample amount of time to slow down your motorcycle without the need for hard braking.
- Be very careful when you brake on wet surfaces. Since tyre grip on wet roads is lesser, it is recommenced to reduce the usage of front brakes. Managing a rear tyre slide is easier but controlling a sliding front is almost impossible.
- When you are in a situation which demands a near-sudden stoppage of your bike apply combination of both front and rear brakes. Do not apply only rear or front brakes alone!
- It is also better to ride your motorcycle one gear lower than what it deserves generally. This offers greater control to the rider and stability to the bike.

- If you encounter a submerged patch of road – it is better to avoid it. In case, you can not do without crossing it, ensure you shift to first gear and slowly wade through keeping the throttle constant (constantly high). If in this case, your motorcycle’s engine stops working, do not crank it up again!
- This should have come at the first spot but let me mention it here. Check the condition of your tyres before the monsoon season begins. If you think that the tyre has very little rubber left, change it for your own safety – even if in normal circumstances your motorcycle could have done a few more kays with the same tyre. The worst risk you can take in your life is riding in the rain or along a wet road with a worn out tyre. It will make your bike a boat on the road.
- Prefer using low headlight beam. A good biker is one who also thinks about the other riders on the road. With water droplets on the helmet visors/car windscreens, it blinds the oncoming traffic. Use high beam judiciously and only wherever necessary.
- Possibilities of accident due to stray dogs or other animals crossing the road increase. So, be very alert and cautious as you ride. Try to keep a good distance from the vehicle upfront so that you have a good visibility of the road.
- Visibility is drastically reduced during rain. If it becomes unsafe, it is better to stop by the roadside and wait for the showers to subside or slow down.

People with spectacles pay special attention when on the road as fog/mist on your glasses can be dangerous. Don’t forget to carry a jacket/rain coat in your bag – you never know when it can rain.
All the tips mentioned here might sound very simple, but still take them seriously. Probability of accidents during monsoons is much higher and some basic checks such as the ones mentioned above, will ensure you have an enjoyable ride – all the time!
Happy biking, happy monsoons….
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