All 125cc motorcycles prices in India – shared in a quick infographic..
The 125cc motorcycle market is predominantly fought between Honda’s Shine and Hero’s Glamour. However, for the last few months, Shine has taken the lead and it is India’s largest selling motorcycle model and by a considerable margin now.
Bajaj has been trying to penetrate this segment and has put in its best bet yet by introducing the immensely popular Pulsar brand in this segment. We share a quick infographic of all the major motorcycles in this segment, the variants they come in along with their prices.
If you are in the market for a 125cc bike, this will serve as a ready reckoner for you…
How Bajaj Fought Back in the Sports Segment with Pulsar 150 [Exclusive]
Shine vs Pulsar 125 vs Glamour – All 125cc Motorcycle Prices