Official : Indian Chief to be unveiled at Sturgis

In less than ten days, a strong rival to Harley-Davidson’s writ would have risen. It is all set to be launched at Sturgis.


The 2014 Indian Chief will be uncovered to the public on Saturday, August 3, at 8 PM local time. The bike will be present at 999 Main Street at the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame. There will be a guest appearance from Mike Wolfe, American Picker, as well as talks with Indian officials and an audio/video tribute to Indian’s past. Access to the event is free of cost.

At the Indian Motorcycle display in Downtown Sturgis, there will be product demonstrations, display bikes, apparel sales and accessory displays. The exhibit will also feature a display of heritage Indian motorcycles including vintage Chief models and the recently unveiled tribute “Spirit of Munro” custom streamliner.

Mike Wolfe, American picker, will sign autographs at the Indian Motorcycle display on 2nd and Lazelle St. on Saturday, August 3rd from 2-4pm. Visitors will also be one of the first to ride the all-new 2014 Indian Chief at the Indian Motorcycle Demo Experience. Rides will be led daily, with the first ride leaving at 9:15am, last ride at 5:30pm. Riders must be 18 years of age, provide proof of endorsement along with a helmet and must be equipped with appropriate riding attire

Very few things are on the wire about the New Indian Chief. Only the one official “silhouette” exists, and no spy photos have been unearthed. We will keep you in the loop as soon as its unveiled, keep visiting our site.