India’s poster boy Mahendra Singh Dhoni has made the public announcement of the inaugural edition of the “Bike Festival of India” at a private gathering of biking communities from all over India. The event marks the coming together of Event Capital, a division of the Laqshya Media Group, and Rhiti Sports, India’s leading sports management firm.
The event has been conceptualised by Vikram Shankar – VP of Event Capital and Ikjot Singh – the superbiker who also is the founder member.
Bike Festival of India will be an interesting get-together for biking aficionados from all over the country. Of course, the thrill of adventure and the passion for exploring uncharted routes will run deep through the veins of the festival, there will also be sufficient attention paid to the importance of safe riding practices. Indian roads and conditions are hardly the most conducive for motorcycling, and often result in fatal eventualities. Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s association with the event is no surprise, as the Captain Cool’s love for a good set of wheels and an open road is very well-known.
Bike Festival of India Details
The Bike Festival of India will bring together about 120 biking communities from all across India at the pinnacle of motorcycling in India, the Buddh International Circuit. There will be a series of events in the festival, and the final will be held at the Buddh International Circuit. The first event will be a cross country bike ride that will snake through each and every state, and will be flagged off in the first-quarter of 2014. It will chug along for about a month, and the organisers expect to get a Guinness Book of World Records mention for this.
The other events include a racing championship at the BIC, followed by a Dirt Bike Championship as well as a Rally Championship. Other major crowd-pullers will be attractions such as stunt riding, wheelies, burnouts, stoppies and group rides. There will be quite a few off-track events like weight lifting, arm wrestling, bench press, push ups and food festivals. Exhibitions of various bikes and bike accessories will also be a significant part of the festival.
The Bike Festival of India is essentially a platform for various biking enthusiasts from all over India to meet and share their experiences. It is open to all kinds of bikers. No matter which kind of bike you ride – street bikes, sports bikes, super bikes, off roaders – you are warmly welcome at the Bike Festival of India to tell your story and soak in the ambience! Arun Pandey, Chairman and Managing Director of Rhiti Sports and Deepak Choudhary, Director and CEO of the Event Capital, are very optimistic about the response that will be received by the event. They are biking enthusiasts too, and are looking forward to have a good time.