Hi Bikers! I am Inder Jeet singh from New Delhi, working as a graphic designer in an advertising firm. Being in this profession from past 6 years. As advertising is the most growing field everything needs to happen on time for more effectiveness. 🙂
I chose Bike as my primary source of Travelling since being biker I love to drive to office and its very cost friendly. I don’t drive to work, I work because I get to drive!
My first bike was Bajaj CT100 DLX. It’s an awesome product from Bajaj. Still well maintained, Its one of the best memories of struggling days in advertising. Second bike Bajaj Platina. Another legendry masterpiece from Bajaj. I sold it after 3 years and six month and 1 lakh kilometer. Then I got Discover DTS-si. This time I got little unlucky because I start feeding my bike high octane petrol which is not good for 100cc engine.
I am so passionate about biking that I love to do small road trips with my frends. Since I am bike freak and its my passion so again I went for new bike. When I search in the market for quality bike, only one name bounce up “Honda CB Unicorn”.
Because I want commuterish, quality, performance, mileage, comfort and reliability. Yamaha also deliver quality but one cannot ride a bike with his family like R15 or FZ16’s.
Suddenly I saw Honda’s new sibling CB Unicorn Dazzler. I was confused at that time with Unicorn or Unicorn Dazzler. I called up my friend who got Unicorn from last 5 years. He gives a brief detail about his bike’s five-year performance. And told me to trust on Unicorn’s Engine. Then I go to Bhasin Honda, Raja Garden to buy the Dazzler co’z in only 4-5 thousand’s difference Dazzler is giving many extra things, which I will talk about in the details below.
Since unicorn Dazzler has big name in market they made me wait for 2 days for my baby. Co’z I want red colour and there was only one red colour bike in the showroom. I give the booking money for my bike and told the showroom guy that I’ll come next day to take the delivery. Next day in the evening I got my baby. It was really heart-throbbing moment for me when I first sit on it. As it is my first 150CC bike, it never gives me feel that I will not be capable to handle it.
The First Ride
I purchase the bike on 9th Aug 2010. As being new to the bike I was little scared, what if drive wrong? But this baby, she taught me how to drive it. The controlling and handling comparing to my previous 100 CC’s was awesome. Rock Steady. The fear of falling or skidding with Disk Brakes in both wheels was vanished with the brake applied first time. I drove the showroom to home via a Gurudwara between and in this 12 km drive I was amazed the bike’s behavior. It was like it is with me from a long time now.
Now to the Pros and Cons. I will not write the technical spec as there details are available at the web easily and no use to write here.
[xrr rating=3.5/5]
Not good as FZ, and not bad as apache either. It depends on person-to-person, some likes it, and some don’t. Simple. But I love it. When you are driving the bike the fairing gives the look and feel of the batman’s head and ears.
[xrr rating=5/5]
After running-in period, I was a bit free to push it. (I write “a bit free” because I never tried to drive above 60KMPH on a bike, whether it is 100CC or 150CC, or it is in running-in period or not.) I drive it in my habitual 60KMPH limit but it is easily touching 70-75 KMPH speed without letting me know.
You never feel that your bike is running on higher speed. Even once on a NH-8, Gurgaon to Delhi, in these CWG days when the highway was congested co’z of the ‘Blue Lane’ for CWG vehicles, the central lane was filled with cars, only extreme right lane was bit empty for bikes, an ambulance was on rush, I drove my bike at 95 so I can give way to the ambulance. And once more when a mad trucker was badly and madly honking behind me, I just twist the throttle softly and I was at 90-95 KMPH.
The truck was only in my rear view mirror, very small. Believe me at that speed the bike was never shaking, never gives heavy noise, no vibs, even I was not feeling the high speed, feeling was only Wing Riding! At that speed engine voice was telling that there is lot more power spare in the mill.
[xrr rating=4.75/5]
Very smooth, till date! I make it a habit to give enough time to the engine to proper heat up. In the morning, I start the ignition, turn the petrol supply on (or reserve), push the choke to on and press the starter button. With the first push engine roars and I leave the bike as it is for 15-30 seconds and then put off the choke. Then after more 30 seconds leaving the bike started I drive it to my office. The first 5-7 kms I never run above 40 KMPH, so the engine oil should completely run through its veins. After that I drive it at usual 60 KMPH speed and the bike is vey smooth all-the-way. Gear shift is awesome. Butter smooth.
Fuel Efficiency
I am getting 50-55 KMPL average in which 30 KMS in city driving and 30 KMS on highway driving. The control of the bike is nimble till date. Brakes are awesome. Engine noise? what it is? No vibrations. Starts with I single touch of the starter button. What else we want from a 150CC bike!
Tips: Follow the startup sequence as I am following and the engine will give perfect performance to you. Love your bike and your bike will love you.
– Inder Jeet Singh