Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt Ltd has announced the winners of the Dream Neo Superstar contest from the Maharashtra circle. A total of twenty winners are to be selected from the country in a bid to engage with the huge customer base they are building steadily in India.
The contest includes a variety of prizes including domestic as well as foreign trips and an opportunity to meet Honda’s brand ambassador Akshay Kumar, Bollywood’s very own International Khiladi.
The winners from Maharashtra circle include Mr Satish Surve from Navi Mumbai and Mr Varun Singh from Mumbai. Satish wins an all-expense paid trip to Thailand while Varun gets an all-expense paid trip to Goa or Manali. Earlier this month, the company had also announced winners from the Delhi circle.
Announcing the winners from Maharashtra, Mr Shreenath Kamlapurker, Regional Head HMSI talked about the concept behind the Dream Neo Superstar contest which is to engage with buyers, understand their dreams and ambitions and help them attain that.
The Dream Neo has helped Honda India rack up considerable sales in the 100-110 cc segment. The company aims to capture more in the segment with the entire Dream range.