Yamaha India in an official statement has announced a recall of total 9 units of the new R1 series to rectify a problem with their transmission. This includes 7 units of the R1 and 2 of the R1M. They have also declared that the existing transmission will be replaced by a new modified unit free of cost.
This announcement comes days after the Japanese manufacturer recalled all 2015 made units of the R1 and R1M in the US to negate the same problem. According to Yamaha US, the second and the pinion gear can break due to extremely high stress or improper braking. The third and the fourth cog can also break or be deformed due to excessive stress. Any of this will lead to a total failure of the transmission system.
Here’s what Mr Ravinder Singh, Vice President, Strategy and Planning, Yamaha India had to say on the voluntary recall:
“No such problem has been reported from anywhere in India so far but we value our customers and their safety is our prime concern. Therefore, India Yamaha Motor has decided to run a voluntary recall campaign on 9 units of motorcycles which include 7 units of YZF-R1 and 2 units of YZF-R1M.”
Yamaha has also started contacting customers via email or phone to rectify the problem.