Yamaha Motor has kick-started in New Delhi a first of its kind road safety program for youngsters called the “Yamaha Children Safety Program”. What Yamaha intends to do with it is to educate and influence kids regarding the different aspects of road safety.
Unveiling a colourful and cuddly mascot to carry the idea forward, Yamaha also announced a competition to name this yet unnamed mascot. The company communicated that it will finalize the name for the mascot through a naming contest. The contest started yesterday and concludes on 27 of this month.
If you happen to be a 5-12 year old kid and are reading this, stop reading and attend to your studies! If you are older than that, covey the information to any kid you know who falls under the said age group. To participate, kids will have to register their name at the nearest Yamaha dealership. According to the communiqué mailed to us, the winner will be rewarded with a 1-year scholarship and other attractive prizes. The winning name will be announced on 5 February 2014.
Catch them while they are young seems to be the business drift of it all but nonetheless it is a heart-warming and relevant initiative. Unfortunately, I am a bit older to enter the competition and name the mascot myself. Besides, my comprehensively contaminated perception makes the mascot look like a pan-stained molar with a set of ears. Given a chance, I would name it “ChewMaEars”.
I think we should leave it to the kids, but nice initiative this!