Have you ever dreamt for riding your bike and having the capability to fly if the traffic was high? We all have such fantasies. But it looks like Samson Motorworks is going to make this a reality. They have developed a concept called SkyBike which can go on road and has an optional flight mode. I am not sure how far this is feasible, but at least man has dreamt this far. Though this is not a new dream, it is still worth blogging about.
The SkyBike is the kit-built flying version of the vehicle, and the first to be unveiled. Providing what man has been dreaming of for decades, this vehicle is designed to deliver exciting acceleration and handling on the ground, as well as comfortable and reliable flight capability. The flat-panel instrument display changes automatically from flight instruments to ground instruments. Ready for any country with a door on each side of the driver, ready for any weather with the ability to drive or fly, ready for any emergency with the ability to take off from any flat surface and land on any flat surface. It is quick enough for the fast lane, legal in the carpool lane, and sexy enough for the red carpet.
Features: Driver adjustable seat, five or six speed transmission with forward, neutral, reverse, and flight mode, lexan front windshield and side windows, heating & air conditioning, stereo cd player, California emissions compliant, seat belt, front and rear disc brakes, anti-lock brake system, video rear view monitor, flexible electronic instrument main panel – switches from air to ground instruments automatically, GPS moving map with VOR navigation capability, automatic vehicle leaning in turns, extendable wings, dual ground/air lighting system, redundant ignition system, ELT (emergency location transmitter), back-up air speed, attitude and altimeter, ballistic chute recovery system.
Video: How the SkyBike Works
SkyBike Specifications:
Estimated Mgtow = 1340 Lb (Maximum Gross Take-Off Weight)
Length = 15′- 6″
Width = 6′- 4″
Height = 4′-1″
Seats = 2
Maximum Speed = 95 Mph On Wheels, 140 Mph Flying
Range = 500 Miles Ground, 220 Miles Air
Mpg = Estimated 55 Mpg Ground, 25 Mpg Air
Wingspan = 19′ – 5″ Main, 6′- 4″ Canard
Wing Area = 88 S.F.
Wing Loading = 15 Psf
Engine = 120-180 Hp Motorcycle Engine (Three Choices)
Estimated Tbo = 2,000 Hours (Time Between Major Overhauls)
Fuel = Regular Unleaded Automobile Gasoline
Fuel Capacity = 10.1 Gallons Including Reserve
Stall Speed = 55 Mph
Source: SamsonMotorworks.com
Verdict: If someone told you 300 years ago that men can move without using legs, it would have been funny. Similarly, I guess we can expect things like SkyBike in the future, at least for our sons and grandsons. Do you think SkyBike can be a reality? What is your opinion on this?