Budget 2011- No Increase in Excise Duty
Here is some good news for all the Indians and mainly the bike lovers. Earlier it was speculated that there will be an increase in the excise duty by 2% which will make the...
Yamaha R15 Ownership Review by Elvis
I remember walking down my lane and looking at this beautiful bike, the blue R15, immediately I was captivated by it, sighing 'wish I could afford it'. Quite oblivious as I was of it’s...
MyTVS to become TVS Automobile Solutions
MyTVS, a part of TVS group will now be separated from group and will be converted in to a altogether different company called TVS Automobile Solutions Ltd. Economic times reports that through this new...
What? Harley-Davidson in India for 3.5 lakhs?
I’m indeed fortunate to make a write-up on this. This piece of write up, for sure is gonna set hardcore bikers in high spirits. The news is that the world’s premium motorcycle maker Harley-Davidson...
2011 Bajaj Discover 100cc Launched
Bajaj has launched its 2011 model of Discover. This was to celebrate the fact that Bajaj has sold more than 40lakh motorcycles in the country since its launch. The company expects to sell more...
Ranbir Kapoor to be the New Face of Hero Honda
We have some exciting news for all the Ranbir kapoor and Hero Honda fans. Ranbir is going to be endorsing for Hero Honda soon. The decision was taken by the company based on the...