Indian Motorcycle has launched the much awaited Dark horse in its signature all black theme for 16,999 US dollars which is about Rs 10.55 lakhs in INR. The motorcycle is black right from the traditional warbonnet to the rear fender and carries a distinctive monochrome Warbonnet graphics on its fuel tank. Essentially a blackened Chief Classic, the Dark Horse gets a single seat and you get it 2,000 dollars cheaper than the Chief Classic.
The convenience starts from the word go. Hate keys? Just keep the key fob in your pocket or your bag, and press the keyless ignition button and presto, you are ready to go. Misplaced the key fob? Don’t worry; you can pre-programme a security code to use the motorcycle without any problem.
The Dark Horse gets the same 1,811 cc Thunder Stroke 111 engine doing duty on all Indian Motorcycle products except the Scout. Churning out 138.9 Nm of torque at 2,600 rpm it has to pull a weight of 13 kg less than the Chief Classic, which still comes out to a massive 357 kg with a tank full of fuel. You also get ABS and cruise control for comfortable highway rides.
The subtle and limited use of chrome and twin exhausts makes the motorcycle look a league apart from the crowd. If this is how beautiful the first 2016 model looks like (yes, Dark Horse is the first 2016 model from the company), can we expect something more from the brand as the year proceeds?
Indian Motorcycle’s Indian Website Also Updated:
Barely after a few hours of its international unveil, Indian Motorcycle’s India’s website has also been updated with the new Dark Horse along with its prices in INR.
It costs Rs 21,99,999 (ex-showroom, Delhi) which makes it three and a half lakh rupees cheaper than the Chief classic!