
User Ownership Review of Hero Karizma, 2014 Karizma R

Hero Honda Karizma R 18000 Kms Ownership Review by Umesh

"A car carries body but a bike carries soul". I read this line several times but realised only after riding one of my dream bike- Hero Honda's old war horse Karizma. Hello everybody, I am...

User Review Karizma R: Me and My Karizma R aka Baby Fireblade: Sreeram

Sreeram has submitted this review in our Ownership Review Contest No 13, ensuring himself an assured prize. The contest also offers a chance to win Riding Jacket, Helmet and more.. You can submit your review...

Hero Honda Karizma 2 Year Ownership Report by Satyam

My biking journey began with my brother's Kawasaki-Bajaj Caliber. It could take a lot of abuse, handled well, and had good power for an 111cc engine. When it was time for me to buy...

2 Years User Review Karizma R: Karan Shares Good & Bad Habits of his...

Karan has submitted this review in our Ownership Review Contest No 13, ensuring himself an assured prize. The contest also offers a chance to win Riding Jacket, Helmet and more…Here are all the details. Greetings...

Karizma R Ownership Review by Umesh

Hi, here is Umesh Prasad Rout from Bhubaneswar, Odisha. I am an assistant professor of Computer Application in one of the premier Engineering College of Bhubaneswar. Although I am not a teenager (I am...

User Review: Jeetendra is in Love With His 2 Year Old Karizma R

Jeetendra has submitted this review in our Ownership Review Contest No 13, ensuring himself an assured prize. The contest also offers a chance to win Riding Jacket, Helmet and more.. You can submit your review...